The virtual and reality
Internet become a big part in our life. We consume a very large portion of internet within a day and it happens everyday for years. We shared our life on internet instead of sharing it to some in the family or with someone that we trust. Internet and all the advanced technologies are invisible but by our action we make them become alive and even more real.
From the story “A Cyber-Cuscuta Manifesto by Regina Kanyu Wang” It was a story being told from other side. We shared our thoughts about internet and digital technologies about their benefits and disadvantages. How they affect to our daily life. But we forget that it was not only us that being shaped by internet. The internet also being shaped by our interaction with it too. They will bring up more content that you are interested in and remember what you would like to see and bring up more and more or even bring up the content that you are not really interested in but just accidentally click on it. But as the data collector it will collect and analysed what should they bring up to suit your pleasure.
“We deny that we are demons coming from nowhere. We come from you. Your words, your photos, your emojis, your videos…everything you post online shapes us, since our germination stage during your pandemic, amidst the data flood sweeping over the globe.”
We can see that everything start from us, the internet cannot live without us and we can’t also live without internet too this would be something that people in this generation think. Is it true? Can’t we really live without the internet?

I have imagined my life without internet and digital technologies. I can say that “ Yes, of course I can.” But then when I think about how to easy life was when there is internet. It makes me start to miss using the internet. Everything can be really easy and can be done in a minute. Imagine If I don’t have enough money to pay for the food how could I do if I don’t have the mobile banking to pay for the food. Do I need to go to the ATM to withdraw the money and come back to pay for the food. But then I think again in this situation if I know that I will go to eat at this restaurant I need to check my wallet first if I have enough money to pay for it or not. Maybe I will help me to be more cautious. When I was younger and doesn’t know how to use internet banking my mother always told me to check my wallet first if I have enough money or not. It becomes one of my habit to check on my money before leaving the house. But after I know that I can use my mobile to pay for almost every store. It makes carried less money and sometimes I forget to carry money with me when I go outside too.
This linked me to the story of “THE VELDT by Ray Bradbury”. The story was talking about a family that was living using machines to do everything for them. The children don’t need parents anymore because they didn’t shared anything. There are no interaction or activities happen to bond the family relationship. George, the father and Lydia, the mother also feel useless and have no sense of purpose because they haven’t done anything by themselves for a long time. There is no achievement, nothing to proud of themselve. The story shows that too much of somthings never cause something good. It sometimes can also be harmful too. There is a quote from the story that make me think about another quote from “A Cyber-Cuscuta Manifesto by Regina Kanyu Wang”
We are here for peace, for cooperation and for coexistence. We mean no harm, no violence, no war. We implore you to be patient, to reach with us for understanding and support. — A Cyber-Cuscuta Manifesto by Regina Kanyu Wang
“That’s just it. I feel like I don’t belong here. The house is wife and mother now, and nursemaid. Can I compete with an African veldt? Can I give a bath and scrub the children as efficiently or quickly as the automatic scrub bath can? I cannot. And it isn’t just me. It’s you. You’ve been awfully nervous lately.” — THE VELDT by Ray Bradbury
These Two quotes are connected internet might not mean any harm on human , but it is us that make it control our life, make us believe that we must reley on it, that we cannot live without all these internet and digital machines. I am admitted that using all these technologies really make us comfortable but don’t forget to maintain it to be in the suitable portion because “Too much of anything isn’t good for anyone.” Internet is invisible but we make it look strong, real and bigger that somthings we can manage on our own.