The real (virtual)world
From reading and watching videos from ‘the sprawl’, it was a bit hard to understand and confuse. I started from reading their story before watching and it doesn’t make me understand anything at all. so I try again by watching 4–5 videos and then read the story again. Things are more clear and I can see their point on making a “propaganda about propaganda”. In the past propaganda had come in a form of words, poster, advertisement, public broadcasting. People start to remember those information until time passes and they will automatically believe those stories without any doubt. In the present there also has a lot of propaganda spreading in our daily life coming in the more advanced and infiltrating our brain without us recognizing it as propaganda. The sprawl has shown the propaganda in a form of fragment cinematography scene. The present form that the propaganda can be. I am a new generation that internet culture and media culture have most influence in my way of living too. Other people’s stories are what we would like to consume which sometimes I want to ask myself too why do I need to know? And I don’t have an answer for that question. What I can relate most in my life about present propaganda since I was young was school march which is talking about how great and well known the school has been since maybe 70 years ago. It was one way that made students feel like they have some connection and become one with the place. When you are first year students you might not gain much connection with the school but after 5 years have passed you will feel like there is a bond between you and school. You start to think that this place belongs to you and you want to belong to this place too.

Another propaganda that I have seen and think affects most of teenager’s lives is movies. I started watching movies when I was in primary school. It was the time that I started to imitate the characters in the movies. The way I speak, the value of womanize or even my beauty perception was influenced by the movies that I watch. You will not recognize at first that you have been shaped to someone that you never was before, your mindset or even personality it always changed by what you consume. Propaganda in movies makes us believe that “this is better than that”. We started to pick side and think that we are better than what other in some way. It can be about politic, culture, or religion.